We are closely monitoring the winter storm and will keep you updated about any changes to activities for the swearing-in of Delaware’s 75th Governor on Tuesday, January 7. For weather updates, we recommend you follow the Delaware Emergency Management Agency, the Delaware Department of Transportation, and the National Weather Service Philadelphia/Mount Holly. More Info
The Coaches vs. Overdoses Initiative is a proactive prevention and drug disposal blitz in partnership with DisposeRx targeting opioid abuse and overdose deaths, especially among student athletes. In March 2023, Lt. Governor Hall-Long, DOE, DSCYF, and state law enforcement officials in Delaware announced that the state would be partnering with DisposeRx to distribute easy to use prescription drug disposal kits to Delaware students and families. October 2023 the education campaign began at Delaware high school football games with appearances by Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long and Pro Football Hall of Famer Randy White.
The initiative features public service announcements from sports legends, educational materials for students, and free drug disposal kits to promote the proper disposal of medication.
What are DisposeRx Packets?
The DisposeRx at-home medication disposal solution was developed to help reduce the risks associated with keeping unused medications by providing a tool for patients to use to dispose of medications when they are no longer needed. All medications can carry risks of accidental poisonings, and we know that powerful opioid medications can lead to confusion, addictions, overdoses, suicide attempts or death. Find out more by visiting: Coaches vs. Overdoses – Coaches vs. Overdoses (coachesvsoverdoses.com)
Prevention Playbook
We have partnered with Delaware schools to distribute Prevention Playbooks to students, families, and coaches across the state. The playbook warns about the dangers of opioid misuse, how to properly dispose of prescription drugs and where to find help if you know someone who is struggling. Download the Prevention Playbook below: